In my creative music process,I invoke the All Seeing Eye of...
Falcon Medicine...
Lah Falkn
My intention, in my music journey, is to be in creative sublim surrender. To be a vessel for the cosmic music of Creation,
I birth the mysterious & timeless Medicine of Song...
song as it has always been taught :
by the stars and birds.

2020 & 2021
her love Official music video
March 2018
Lele is a visionary Musician-Composer, Singer, & Electro-acoustic Producer. Three years ago, feeling the strong desire to embody enhanced creative sovereignty, she taught herself to use Logic Pro, and built a home studio, with a simple set up of laptop, mic, Boss RC 505 Loop Pedal, and a DI box. Her dedication to drawing from the emotional seas of her consciousness, involves expanding these emotional energies to the collective consciousness. When she composes a song, she lets the emotive content open the portals to channel ancestral wisdom and totemic archetypes. Weaving in a tapestry of cultural song traditions and lineages into her creative style - she has a musical background of study: Raga (North Indian Classical), Balkan/'Romani', Western Classical Opera, Zimbabwean, Blues and Jazz, and various other indigenous song lineages.